Sunday, 11 September 2011

puding roti = bread pudding


6 keping roti slices (apa2 brand pun boleh )
2 biji telur
1 1/4 cawan susu cair
1 sudu makan butter - yg ni kalo versi cair lagi baguih
3 sudu makan gula (kalo rs nk manis lg, pandai2 la tmbh snirik )
sedikit kismis utk tabur
1/2 makan essen vanilla
Kacau sebati telur, esen vanilla, gula dan susu cair.
Roti di potong2 atau dicarik2 (termasuk kulitnya) kemudian susun dalam acuan pembakar/loyang yg telah dilengserkan dgn butter cair.
Kemudian tuang adunan susu tadi kedalam roti yang telah disusun.
Taburkan kismis dan butter kedalam adunan roti tadi…
Bakar dalam oven pada suhu 160 darjah selama 30 minit…

Friday, 9 September 2011

cornflakes choc chip cookies

2 cups margarine
1 / 2 cup sugar
2 egg yolks
4 tablespoons evaporated milk
2 tsp vanilla
1 tsp vanillin
2 cups flour
2 cup corn flour
3 cups crushed cornflakes
1 / 2 cup choc chips

mix margarine & sugar 1st - until its fluffy
then put egg yolks + evaporated milk + vanilla

mixed well; then put choc chips & cornflakes 
then alternately put flour and corn flour (a scoop at one time) 

after dat, it is ready to be bake.bake at 170 degrees C

chicken rendang

chicken - cut into small pieces as u like

lemon grass
chilly - green color
cili boh
blend all
coconut milk

 3 lemon grass to be smashed

put the chicken into the pan - dry it 1st - put no water
put the smashes lemon grass
add those blended ginger & lemon grass
stir n wait till it dry
put blended onion & garlic & both chilly types
let it dry

then only pour the coconut milk, stir a while
then put salt (depends on your suitable taste)
and also kerisik
(we can also put turmeric leaves for a better aroma)

slow the fire n let it dry

layer cake

ingredient A
a cup of margarine
a cup of sugar
7 eggs
creamer/condensed milk - 1/2 can
1 tsp vanilla

ingredient B
2 cups of cream cracker- use grinder to blend it
1 tsp soda bicarb

mix a cup of margarine & a cup of sugar
then only put eggs
after that put creamer/condensed milk

mix cream cracker & soda bicarb 1st before mixing it with the ingredient A
then divide the mixture into 2/3 - depends on what color do u want
then steam it layer by layer
use the same sized laddle - each layer 1 scoop
make sure it's halfly cook then only we put the haw flakes on every layer.

Thursday, 8 September 2011

honey corn flakes

1 ketul butter- any brand
4 sudu besar gula
1 cawan golden syrup
badam cincang - bakar/goreng tnp minyak tlebih dahulu
1/2 kg corn flakes

cairkan butter then masukkan gula.stir sampai hancur.masukkan golden syrup.then masukkan corn flake then taburkan badam tersebut.
kacau2 kejap then dh bleh angkat & letak lam besen & masukkan dlm cup

p/s: jgn biar dlm kuali.nanti mengeras.pas dh gaul sumer, letak lam besen utk kerja2 membubuh dlm cup.
hiasan - i used choc chip (small size) n cherry.

ayam bakar mayonis

bawang merah + bwg putih + halia + black pepper = tumbuk kasi lumat
then masukkan 1 ketul kiub ayam knorr@ any brand (1/4 ayam bhgn paha = 1/2 ketul saja)
then masukkan mayonis 1 sudu besar (kalo nk rs lebih mayo ltk la bnyk sket)
diikuti dgn 1 sudu besar kicap & 1 sudu besar sos tiram
secubit garam (ayam ni akan masin kerana kiub ayam & sos tiram tadi tp kalo nk masin extra pandai2la tmbh sniri :) )

gaul2 sumer dlm lesung tu then lumurkan pd ayam itu...
make sure ayam itu diperap lebih drpd 1 jam setengah utk hasil yg enak

Thursday, 4 August 2011

puding triffle


pandan swiss roll
evaporated milk
custard powder
jelly (brand: nona) - strawberry flavor
fruit cocktail

a can of  fruit cocktail  - strain d juice; keep it for a while
slice the swiss roll and arrange it in a transparent container or whatever u want
then moisten that swill roll with the juice
put aside.

for custard - boil a can of evaporated milk with 400ml water, add a tbsp of sugar. KEEP STIRRING.
then melt 3 tbsp of custard powder (use water - a bit only if not it will be too watery)
then put the melted custard powder to the boiled evaporated milk
stir still, it its harden.

then, pour on top of those swiss roll that we arranged just now
put it aside for a while, till u see it's not melt

then put the fruit cocktail

boil the jelly (follow instruction from the packaging)

then after that pour the jelly.

keep it warm then only we put inside the fridge

and this is the result

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

creamy popiah

a pack of mix vegetables
minced chicken/boneless chicken
mushroom cream powder
curry powder
popiah skin
chop 2 onions, 2 potatoes and boneless chicken (if u choose boneless chicken)
braise onions
then put chicken
then put potatoes
then put a bowl of mixed vege

then mix half pack of
mushroom cream powder & curry powder with water

put into the mixed ingredients before
then put pepper & a bit salt.

after that, wrap it using popiah skin..
then fry :)

Monday, 1 August 2011

moist choc cake

order from customer for hari raya

Ingredient A:
A cup of oil
A cup of sweetened creamer
A cup of sugar
4 eggs (grade B)
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp fine salt

Ingredient B:
150gm flour
100gm cocoa powder
1tsp soda bicarbonate
1tsp baking powder

A cup of boiling water

1.  Sift ingredient B. Put aside.
2.  Blend ingredient A.
3.  Pour blended ingredient A to B.
4.  When it’s mixed well, add a cup of boiling water.
5.  Bake at 1800C (about 1 hour or less) - u can also steam it.

For topping:
half can of evaporated milk
3 tbsp icing sugar
half cup cocoa powder

mix all n boil it till its thick n sticky
to expedite the process of hardening, u can put a tbsp of cornflour (dilute it first)

Saturday, 30 July 2011

nasi lemak & ayam goreng berempah

for nasi lemak :
ginger (slice it) - not so much
coconut milk - depends on rice
pandan leaves
salt - a very bit only

for sambal tumis:
chopped onion n garlic
grounded chili
tamarind juice
salt & sugar

for ayam berempah:
turmeric (kunyit) - can also use d powder ones
ginger (halia)
galingale/galangal (lengkuas)
lemon grass (serai)
cumin seed (jintan)
fine salt 

all the ingredients, just estimate how much u wanna put, but for jintan just put a bit only.
to put salt, depends on u la.dont put too much
blend all.then marinate.abt an hour

this is the outcome
and the taste was awesome~